Modelling and computation of gravitational attraction, gradient tensors, rotational and horizontal invariants of Asteroid Bennu (101955), Itokawa (25143) and Eros (433) via 2D Non-Uniform FFT

Bennu (101955), İtokawa (25143) ve Eros Asteroitlerinin (433) yerçekimi, gradyan tensörleri, rotasyonel ve yatay sabitlerinin 2B Düzensiz Hızlı Fourier Dönüşümü aracılığıyla modellenmesi ve hesaplanması


Disciplines:   Pages: 1-18   2708 View
Coal quality, mineralogy, petrography, and geochemistry of the high-strontium Bozburun lignite (Malatya, eastern Türkiye)

Yüksek stronsiyumlu Bozburun (Malatya, doğu Türkiye) kömürünün kalitesi, mineralojisi, petrografisi ve jeokimyası

Rıza Görkem OSKAY, Ali İhsan KARAYİĞİT

Disciplines:   Pages: 19-54   2351 View
Vitrinite reflectances and mineralogy of coal clasts in the Late Carboniferous sequences in the two-deep research wells from the Kozlu coalfield (Zonguldak Basin, NW Türkiye)

Kozlu kömür sahasında (Zonguldak Havzası, KB Türkiye) açılan iki derin araştırma kuyusunda Geç Karbonifer yaşlı istiflerin içerisindeki kömür klastların vitrinit yansıtmaları ve mineralojisi

Ali İhsan KARAYİĞİT, Rıza Görkem OSKAY

Disciplines:   Pages: 55-83   2367 View
Magnetic inversion modeling of subsurface geologic structures for mineral deposits mapping in southeastern Nigeria

Güneydoğu Nijerya’da maden yataklarının haritalanması için yeraltı jeolojik yapılarının manyetik ters çözüm modellemesi

Ema ABRAHAM, Ayatu USMAN, Kelvin CHIMA, George-best AZUOKO, Iheanyi IKEAZOTA

Disciplines:   Pages: 85-105   2019 View


About this journal

2651-3048 0026-4563

Impact Factor (June, 2023): 0.5


The main focus of Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration will be high-impact original research and reviews in the all field of earth sciences. The Bulletin is an international, open access from 2012, peer-reviewed, state-supported, Turkey's oldest and well-established earth sciences journal.

Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration is an open access, single blind, peer-reviewed journal in the field of earth sciences. The submission language of the Bulletin is English. BMRE is published three times (April, August, December) in a year. It is not only publishes original papers on mining geology, but also on general geology, structural geology, tectonics, sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology, geochemistry, geostatistics, earthquake studies, geoheritage, geoarchaeology, environmental geology, remote sensing, engineering geology, hydrogeology, geotechnics, geothermal energy, petroleum geology, mining and petroleum technologies. BMRE accepted manuscripts in Turkish, English, French and German between 1936 and 1985, and was published only in English and Turkish between 1985 and 2021. The Bulletin, which has recently changed its submission language, has decided to continue its publication life only in English as of January 2022.


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Copyright: Publisher of the Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration is General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration. The author holds the copyrights but transfers the commercial rights to the Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration. The corresponding author must ensure that the submitted article has not been published elsewhere in a similar form, that the article is original, and will not be sent elsewhere for publication. It reserves all rights other than copyright, such as patent rights, except for commercial purposes. The Bulletin of Mineral Research and Exploration keeps the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No: 5846. The Bulletin of Mineral Research and Exploration publishes the articles under the terms of “Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)” license which allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially. 

Peer-Review: Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration is a peer-reviewed journal. It has an online submission process and an open access system. The peer-review process is single-blind; referees are kept anonymous if they do not prefer their name visible. Manuscripts may be rejected without peer-review by the editor-in-chief if they do not comply with the instructions for authors or if they are beyond the scope of the journal. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, after referee-recommended revisions are complete, the author will not be permitted to make changes that constitute departures from the manuscript that was accepted by the editor. 

Fee Policy: Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration does not charge any fee or subscription fee for the printed and electronic versions of the journal, and any publication fee or similar payment for authors.


All manuscripts are kept under plagiarism control using the iThenticate tool by the BULLETIN OF THE MINERAL RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION. Authors should strictly avoid plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Articles with results exceeding 20% of the similarity report are not published. Articles submitted to the Bulletin must be original and not published or submitted for publication elsewhere.