Submission Guide for Author

  1. You can use the Bulletin web site or for “Register” or “Login”
  2. “Submit your paper” can be used for "Register" and "Login".

  3. If you have not registered before, please fill out the required information by using “Register” option

  4. After registering, “Login” the system by using the screen below.

  5. When you logging the system you will see the submission menu. Click the “Submit new manuscript “ menu.

  6. Click the “Start to submit your paper“ menu

  7. When you start the submission, you have to upload all related documents in the list.

  8. Filling the gaps and click the “Save”
    • Keywords should be seperated by comma.
    • Abstract should not exceed 200 words.

    • Fill in the blanks with required information and click the “Save”. Corresponding author will be seen automatically. For the other authors, the required information should be added separately.

    • Filling the gaps and click the “Upload”. The authors should explain the paper breifly.

    • Filling the gaps and click the “Save”

    • Filling the gaps and click the “Save”. You have to suggest at least 2 reviewers.

    • Upload all compulsory files (Manuscript (word), figures (jpeg), full manuscript (PDF) and copyright release form) and click the “Upload”
      You have to upload all figures in jpeg. If any tables, they should be in word document type.

    • Moreover copyright release form has to be downloaded from our website and uploaded during the submissions.

    • After uploading all files click the “Approve Submission”


Article evaluation process has three main steps:

  • Receiving the similarity report by using iThenticate,
  • Publication rules check by Technical Editors,
  • Scientific evaluation managed by Responsible Editor,

steps will be continued and in each step corresponding author will be informed.

Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration


Click here to download "Submission Guide for Author" as pdf file